Welcome to Special Education

SpEd Direct Student Services

  • DAPE Teacher
    Developmental Adapted Physical Education (DAPE) Teachers provide specifically designed physical education instruction for students with disabilities who have a substantial delay or disorder in physical development. 
    Early Childhood Special Education Teacher/Coordinator
    ECSE Teachers provide direct services to early childhood special education students. ECSE Coordinators provide consultive and coordination services to member districts’ ECSE programs.
    Occupational Therapy
    OT staff conduct evaluation and screening of students, participate in educational program planning and implement on-going consultation regarding appropriate intervention programs to facilitate optimum functioning and to enhance a student’s ability to learn and develop.
    Physical Therapy
    PT staff work with students to develop motor skills providing a base for functional mobility for students. They conduct the evaluation and screening of students, participate in educational program planning and implement ongoing consultation regarding appropriate intervention programs to facilitate optimum functioning and to enhance a student’s ability to learn and develop.
    School Social Worker
    School social workers provide students with counseling, conflict resolution skills, improved interpersonal skills, and other assistance to students with needs. 
    School Psychology
    School psychologists provide psychological assessments, consultation to school personnel, and counseling services to students and families. 
    Speech Language Pathology
    SLP staff provide direct, consultative and evaluative services to children with communication disorders as they affect educational performance.