Working With Your Translator

    1. Provide digital copies only: Please send digital versions of the documents (in Microsoft Word, a PDF or similar file types). 
      Avoid sending scanned copies, as the text in scanned documents cannot be easily translated when converted to digital format and require significantly more time and resources to recreate the templates. 

    2. Clarity of Source Material: Please ensure the original document is complete and clear. 

    3. Include Key Information: Provide deadlines and clear instructions. 

    4. Allow Sufficient Time: Quality translation requires time, especially for lengthy documents. Rushed translations can lead to errors and may not accurately convey the intended message. It is important to specify requirements and terminology preferences. Quality translation requires careful attention to detail, including time for thorough proofreading, cultural adaptation, consistency with previously translated material, research on specific terminology, and formatting adjustments to match the original document.

    5. Our Translation Process: Our process is guided by Skopos Theory, which states that translation is not simply an act of linguistic transference, but rather an application of purpose (who is going to read it, how they are going to use it, etc.). To that end, we will review and research terminology, translate and revise for accuracy, and do a final polish and delivery. 

    6. Please Be Available: We may have questions to clarify the document, so please be available. If you have questions before, during, or after, please do not hesitate to reach out to Orlando at 507-337-2941 or

    7. Confidentiality: Please know that professional translators adhere to strict confidentiality standards and a code of ethics.